Every industry in the world is evolving and advancing in some way – or it’s failing. You may be familiar with the old adage that goes something like, “if your business isn’t growing, it’s failing.” Much the same can be said for advancing technologically. One of the latest breakthroughs in asphalt and paving technology is the use of infrared for repairing potholes even during the coldest parts of winter. This new technology gives us the opportunity to keep your driveways, parking lots, and roads in pristine condition regardless of the temperature.

Uses for Infrared Asphalt Technology

  1. Uneven Surfaces
  2. Alligator Cracking
  3. Pothole Repair

Infrared asphalt technology is more expensive than other types of asphalt repair, so it is primarily used for winter potholes. Potholes that form during the winter put the surrounding asphalt at risk as well because water continues to wreak havoc. Melted snow makes its way into the layers of asphalt until it causes the pothole to become much larger and more difficult to deal with.

How Infrared Asphalt Technology Works

Asphalt has to be heated in order to remove it or work with it in any way. Infrared asphalt technology heats the asphalt to more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit. This allows the crew to set a perimeter and rake the entire area to remove any failed asphalt. A rejuvenator is applied to the area and then new asphalt is blended into the original asphalt so the area can be properly graded and compacted. A vibratory roller or plate is used to ensure a perfectly flat and smooth surface.

Pothole Repair during Winter in Chicago

You’ve probably seen our trucks around the greater Chicago area. Our top-of-the-line equipment provides the durability we need to repair asphalt year-round. Give us a call at 847-299-1830 to schedule an appointment with one of our asphalt maintenance specialists.